

Japanese action for disarmament (Mirai Tanikawa)



Hello! I’m Mirai Tanikawa. On 5/17, we invite Mr. Yoshinori Takeda, who works in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially for disarmament and non-proliferation.

He spoke frankly about Japanese foreign policy and the present condition. He told us that MOFA is promoting nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and nuclear security, by using advantages as the only atom-bombed country, ultimately for Japanese security. Although he admitted that disarmament not always results in peace, he would believe that if it’s done carefully enough, MOFA’s policy helps Japanese and the world peace.

What I can do is small, but I, as a member of this seminar, will deeply think and study about peace, nuclear weapons and atomic bomb victims, and broadcast using a sense as a student, believing that it will become a tiny power for peace.

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