
東京大学駒場キャンパス・理想の教育棟のZEB(Zero Energy Building)広報チームの活動レポートです。

1月19日(第12週)住明正先生January 19, 2012 Talk by prof. Akimasa Sumi



住 明正 Sumi, Akimasa

東京大学 サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構 

昭和46年6月 東京大学理学部物理学科卒業
昭和48年3月 東京大学大学院理学研究科物理学専攻修士課程終了
昭和48年4月 気象庁東京管区気象台調査課
昭和50年4月 気象庁予報部電子計算室
昭和54年2月 ハワイ大気象学教室助手
昭和56年5月 気象庁予報部電子計算室
昭和60年4月 東京大学理学部地球物理学教室助教授
平成3年7月  東京大学気候システム研究センター教授
平成7年10月 東京大学気候システム研究センターセンター長を兼任(16年3月まで)
平成17年8月 東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構地球持続戦略研究イニシアティブ統括ディレクターを兼任
平成18年11月 東京大学サステイナビリティ学連携研究機構・教授(特任教授を兼任)

  • 1986:気象における予測、予測(朝日出版社)
  • 1993:気候はどう決まるか(岩波書店)
  • 1999:地球温暖化の真実(ウェッジ選書)
  • 2007:さらに進む地球温暖化(ウェッジ選書)

In this highly developed century, you have to watch out not only for sustaining relationship with your girlfriend but for sustainability science in order to sustain your global families. Why don’t you think about sustainability science, the very key academic theory to survive our earth as well as your precious relationships in the 21 KOMCEE with us? Sumi Akimasa, a chief director and professor of Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science, or IR3S is going to lecture on global warming and sustainability science.

When we’re casually talking about global warming, it’s very easy to think about the emissions of CO2 by automobiles or at industrial factories. There are many issues we have to tackle immediately, and this is just one of them. Before you participate in this lecture, it’s very helpful if you consider about a particular issue, the reason why it matters, and available solutions in the future or daily activities for individuals. Also, what is your impression on sustainability science when you hear it for the first time?

Linking the lecture, you’ll be able to find the difference between your thought/the first impression and the fact comes from scientific surveys, researches and his speech. Maybe, you can find how to sustain good terms with your friends. We all hope you to learn about sustainability with us in this great opportunity.

(Report by Kitamura)

磯部先生予習記事Professor Isobe















  1. 電力計設置(見える化)による教育・研究活動の増加にともなう排出量増分の抑制
  2. 省エネ機器への更新支援
    • 投資回収年数が機器更新年数の半分以下のもの
    • 年間CO2削減量と初期投資額との比が大きいもの
    • 回収年数が4年を超える分は,初期投資の補助も考える
    • 大型熱源系の省エネ化により約6%削減(初期投資額合計約5億円)
    • 照明・個別空調・冷蔵庫などの更新により約7%削減(初期投資額合計約26億円)
  3. 大量調達による省エネ機器導入普及モデルの作成
  4. 初期投資が回収でき,その後は光熱水費が削減できるその他対策も含め実施






Professor Isobe and his work in TSCP

Our group is preparing for the lecture by Professor Masahiko Isobe, Head of Tokyo University Sustainable Campus Project (TSCP).

The purpose of TSCP is to show how to realize the sustainable society by attempting the latest technology or making and trying new technologies in Tokyo University. TSCP is now especially struggling to reduce the emission of the greenhouse effect gas. They made the target of 15% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2012 compared to 2006. And until 2030, they are aiming to cut the half of CO2 emissions compared to 2006.

TSCP succeeded in diminishing the amount of energy consumption in many methods such as shifting all the fluorescent light in some university buildings to more efficient LED light, introducing sensors and the AI (artificial intelligence) to turn off the unneeded lights and so on.

This summer (in 2011), a new building called the 21 KOMCEE (Komaba Center for Educational Excellence) has appeared in Komaba Campus. TSCP led to make the 21 KOMCEE introducing many unique technologies for the comfortable study circumstances and reduction of energy consumption. For example, underground water is used to keep the temperature of rooms comfortable, movable louvers are placed outside the windows to select whether sunlight is reflected or permeates. The AI studies from the past experience and helps the students to use the room effectively.

The 21 KOMCEE is not only a great place for students to study but also a touchstone for making the sustainable society. Judging from the results of introducing technologies in the 21 KOMCEE, other buildings for the sustainable society will be designed and constructed in the future.

(Report by Aoki)

12月1日(第7週)大岡龍三先生紹介December 1, 2011 Talk by prof. Ryozo Ooka



大岡龍三 Ooka, Ryozo


大岡先生は、21 KOMCEEの地下水・地下熱を利用した冷暖房システム構築を担当されました。


京都大学 大学(工学部 建築学科) 1989 (卒業)
京都大学 修士(工学研究科) 1991 (修了)
東京大学 博士(工学系研究科 建築学)
博士(工学) 東京大学
1993-1998 東京大学生産技術研究所 助手
1998-2000 福井大学工学部 講師
2000-2001 福井大学工学部 助教授
2001-2006 東京大学生産技術研究所 助教授
2007-2009 東京大学生産技術研究所 准教授
2009.08-  東京大学生産技術研究所 教授

日本建築学会(サステナブルビルディング小委員会主査、ヒートアイランド小委員会幹事、都市気候モデリングWG主査、総合論文誌 第4号編集委員)空気調和・衛生工学会(国際関係委員会、大会実行委員会委員、学会賞技術審査委員、SHASE技術フェロー)日本風工学会、日本気象学会、エネルギー資源学会、日本流体力学会(2007年年会実行委員会幹事)、日本予防医学リスクマネージメント学会(理事)

  • ヒートアイランドの解析と制御
  • 都市の大気汚染現象の解明と制御
  • 都市のエネルギー資源の最適システム設計
  • 自然エネルギーを利用した省エネルギー型空調システムの提案
  • 都市の火災延焼予測モデルの開発

Realizing Zero Energy Building by utilizing geothermal energy

The term “Zero Energy Building” is defined as “a building in which net energy consumption is nearly zero.” Recently, many developed countries have taken an action to realize ZEB that is expected to be helpful to solve environmental problems. In Japan, Prof. Ooka’s team studies various systems to achieve it.

What is most important in zero-energy buildings is to “control” the entire building. With sensors and operation systems, the amount of energy consumption is kept at minimum. In addition to the design of the building, changing attitudes of people towards the environment is also important to seek ZEB.

Prof. Ooka has participated in constructing the 21 KOMCEE where this seminar is held. This building was designed in an attempt to accomplish ZEB by 2030 and it has some experimental tricks and devices.

One of these devices is to utilize groundwater for air conditioning. It pumps up groundwater deep under the building and the water will efficiently cool down or warm the ceilings that will subsequently modulate ambient temperature through radiation. The Radiation air conditioning system heats not the air around humans but human body directly, thus it can save energy for fanning the air. Other than that, there are many systems to seek ZEB in this building. For example, movable louvers automatically following the sun’s movement help to use sunlight and warmth more efficiently.

(Report by Sato)

10月27日(第4週)コクヨとのグループワーク@駒場October 27, 2011 Group Work with KOKUYO Furniture Co., Ltd.




駒場KALSや21 KOMCEEのアクティブラーニング用の机・椅子やホワイトボードはコクヨの製品です。
野城研究室は21 KOMCEE建設計画のZEB(Zero Energy Building)実証事業としての側面にこれまで携わってきました。中でも、さまざまな省エネ技術をコンピュータ管理し、どこでどれだけ効率よくエネルギーが節約できているかモニタリングするAI(人工知能)の開発が特色です。

21 KOMCEEのスタジオ教室の入り口の所に小さな液晶パネルがあることに気付いた方もいるかもしれません。
これは21 KOMCEEに導入されているビル・マネージメントシステム(BMS)のインターフェースであって、AIには「学ぶクン」という名前がつけられています。21 KOMCEEでは随所に温度や照度、湿度などをモニタリングするセンサーが備え付けられており、そうした環境パラメータに応じて省エネルーバーや空調、照明をどのように自動制御すると、快適な状態を維持しながら効率よく省エネルギー化が達成できるかAIが学習していきます。


In the 21 KOMCEE, there are many types of equipment helpful to realize active learning, such as whiteboards with various sizes, and furniture with thoughtful devising. These items are produced by KOKUYO Furniture Co., Ltd. On 11/17, we students were given an opportunity to work with business persons attending the 2012 KOKUYO Fair through Skype. We shared ideas on what kind of activities MANABU-KUN should recommend students to do. (MANABU-KUN —“Mr. Study”—is an artificial intelligence (AI) which draw student’s attention to eco-friendly activities such as using stairs instead of using elevators).

To find out eco-friendly activities, we tried to imagine our lifestyle and the environment in 2030 based on these in 2011, present. A lot of creative suggestions were made in this group work. Such suggestions and ideas are expected to be brought up more and more and adopted at the MANABU- KUN system.

Thus this system will help students take notice of their wasting of energy, and change their attitude towards the environment.

(Report by Hirashima)

10月20日(第3週)高見英樹 氏October 20, 2011 Talk by Hideki Takami



高見英樹 Takami, Hideki







Mr. Hideki Takami, who belongs to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, is a member of the Eco-School Program. Eco-School means an ecological school which has some facilities suitable for environmental sustainability and commits ecological activity. In short, he is concerned with making policies to spread Eco-School.

The concept of Eco-School is made up of three important factors. The first is to build facilities which are friendly for both users and the environment. The second is to keep each facility available over the long term by utilizing natural energy technologies and so forth. The last factor is to make use of itself for the environmental education. By the way, why is Eco-School so important? There are three reasons.

Firstly, it is effective for decreasing CO2 emissions from schools. They consume much energy among public facilities. Second, it is important for spreading the environment-friendly idea. Schools are not only places for pupils to study but also familiar facilities to local people, so schools have a big influence on their attitudes. Lastly, it can lead to a disaster measures. Schools are regularly assigned as emergency evacuation centers. Thus, natural energy, which could be used on occasional blackouts, is important.

However, the budget for Eco-School Program is limited because of the severe financial condition these days and that limitation is a large obstacle to the project.

(Report by Saito)

1月12日(第11週)奈尾信英先生紹介January 12, 2012 Talk by Dr. Hideaki Nao



奈尾信英 Nao, Nobuhide






About Urban design with Dr. Nao

Our team gathered information about Dr. Nao. He is specialized in architecture in the University of Tokyo, and these days he is engaged in urban design. He wrote a report named “Urbanism Projects of the 90’s.“In this report, he studied urbanization in Rome, Berlin, Paris, and so on. Reading this report, we realized that he valued both artistic design and sustainability.

He has given a message saying that today, the number of people living in cities is increasing and consequently the poverty would get worse in many parts of the world. He invited us to ponder how we can maintain the environment of the growing cities.

Urban designs which are caring the environment and historical scenery have become more successful in Europe than in Japan, so I would like to compare these several countries in Europe with Japan, and see the circumstances of the cities in the Netherlands, confirming whether the theories I’ve learned can be applied to the real issues in cities.

(Report by Ikeda)

11月10日(第5週)田村正道氏紹介November 10, 2011 Talk by Masamichi Tamura



田村正道 Tamura, Masamichi

(株)類設計室 ディレクター



1962年 京都生まれ
1985年 東京芸術大学美術学部建築科卒業


さいたま地家裁熊谷支部庁舎、甲府法務総合庁舎、浦安市立高洲小学校 など



Mr. Masamichi Tamura is an architect of RUI SEKKEISHITSU Co., Ltd., who designed and supervised the construction of the 21 KOMCEE.

In order to design an ideal building for education, Mr. Tamura sought some hints in the history of universities. At the beginning, an institution for higher education was a place not only to learn, but also to live. At that time, learning and culture advanced dramatically by exchanging diverse ideas through the life in ashrams. The 21 KOMCEE is designed to be the environment like the root of higher educations.

The architectures also considered harmony of the 21 KOMCEE with other buildings in Komaba Campus. There are mainly 3 points to which the designers paid attention. First, it was designed to be a low building, and a basement was utilized in order to keep a good landscape of the campus. Second, the established position of the building was set to maintain the path of traffic in the campus. Third, the architectures and the constructors paid a lot of efforts to devise the shape and exterior in consideration for not cutting a large symbolic tree nearby the building but for harmonizing with it.

The leading-edge technology is applied to the 21 KOMCEE aiming at Zero Energy Building (ZEB). The air conditioning system using geothermal heat, lighting apparatus, double skin window system and more are controlled by the AI network which comprises the Building and Energy Management System (BEMS).

(Report by Kaneko)

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