10月20日(第3週)高見英樹 氏October 20, 2011 Talk by Hideki Takami
高見英樹 Takami, Hideki
- 「東日本大震災の被害を踏まえた学校施設の整備について」緊急提言(平成23年7月 東日本大震災の被害を踏まえた学校施設の整備に関する検討会)
- 「知の拠点 我が国の未来を拓く国立大学法人等施設の整備充実について」(平成23年8月 今後の国立大学法人等施設の整備充実に関する調査研究協力者会議)
Mr. Hideki Takami, who belongs to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, is a member of the Eco-School Program. Eco-School means an ecological school which has some facilities suitable for environmental sustainability and commits ecological activity. In short, he is concerned with making policies to spread Eco-School.
The concept of Eco-School is made up of three important factors. The first is to build facilities which are friendly for both users and the environment. The second is to keep each facility available over the long term by utilizing natural energy technologies and so forth. The last factor is to make use of itself for the environmental education. By the way, why is Eco-School so important? There are three reasons.
Firstly, it is effective for decreasing CO2 emissions from schools. They consume much energy among public facilities. Second, it is important for spreading the environment-friendly idea. Schools are not only places for pupils to study but also familiar facilities to local people, so schools have a big influence on their attitudes. Lastly, it can lead to a disaster measures. Schools are regularly assigned as emergency evacuation centers. Thus, natural energy, which could be used on occasional blackouts, is important.
However, the budget for Eco-School Program is limited because of the severe financial condition these days and that limitation is a large obstacle to the project.
(Report by Saito)
1月12日(第11週)奈尾信英先生紹介January 12, 2012 Talk by Dr. Hideaki Nao
奈尾信英 Nao, Nobuhide
- http://www.oma.nl/
- http://www.unstudio.com/
- http://www.mvrdv.nl/
- http://www.west8.nl/
- http://www.mecanoo.nl/
- http://www.wielaretsarchitects.nl/
About Urban design with Dr. Nao
Our team gathered information about Dr. Nao. He is specialized in architecture in the University of Tokyo, and these days he is engaged in urban design. He wrote a report named “Urbanism Projects of the 90’s.“In this report, he studied urbanization in Rome, Berlin, Paris, and so on. Reading this report, we realized that he valued both artistic design and sustainability.
He has given a message saying that today, the number of people living in cities is increasing and consequently the poverty would get worse in many parts of the world. He invited us to ponder how we can maintain the environment of the growing cities.
Urban designs which are caring the environment and historical scenery have become more successful in Europe than in Japan, so I would like to compare these several countries in Europe with Japan, and see the circumstances of the cities in the Netherlands, confirming whether the theories I’ve learned can be applied to the real issues in cities.
(Report by Ikeda)
11月10日(第5週)田村正道氏紹介November 10, 2011 Talk by Masamichi Tamura
田村正道 Tamura, Masamichi
(株)類設計室 ディレクター
1962年 京都生まれ
1985年 東京芸術大学美術学部建築科卒業
さいたま地家裁熊谷支部庁舎、甲府法務総合庁舎、浦安市立高洲小学校 など
- 日経アーキテクチュア特別編集版 これからの学校2011(2011年6月25日発行)
- 日刊建設工業新聞2011年6月20日
Mr. Masamichi Tamura is an architect of RUI SEKKEISHITSU Co., Ltd., who designed and supervised the construction of the 21 KOMCEE.
In order to design an ideal building for education, Mr. Tamura sought some hints in the history of universities. At the beginning, an institution for higher education was a place not only to learn, but also to live. At that time, learning and culture advanced dramatically by exchanging diverse ideas through the life in ashrams. The 21 KOMCEE is designed to be the environment like the root of higher educations.
The architectures also considered harmony of the 21 KOMCEE with other buildings in Komaba Campus. There are mainly 3 points to which the designers paid attention. First, it was designed to be a low building, and a basement was utilized in order to keep a good landscape of the campus. Second, the established position of the building was set to maintain the path of traffic in the campus. Third, the architectures and the constructors paid a lot of efforts to devise the shape and exterior in consideration for not cutting a large symbolic tree nearby the building but for harmonizing with it.
The leading-edge technology is applied to the 21 KOMCEE aiming at Zero Energy Building (ZEB). The air conditioning system using geothermal heat, lighting apparatus, double skin window system and more are controlled by the AI network which comprises the Building and Energy Management System (BEMS).
(Report by Kaneko)